


Tubes: Callitubes-4538mulheres\Callitubes-817flores
Decor: decor1-lc \ creation.tine_masque293.
Marca D'água .

Efeitos do PSP.


Plugins Toadies
Plugins Simple
Plugins L en K's
Plugins It@lianEditors Effect
Plugin VanDerLee
Plugins MuR'as Filter Meister \ Pole Transform.


1-Abra o material no PSP, duplique e feche o original.

Escolher duas cores para trabalhar. 
Foreground #1c1e14
Background #8c905a

2-Abra o arquivo Alpha_Tesy_bylica
Pintar com o gradiente Linear, formado pelas cores em uso.

3-Effects\ Texture Effects\Blinds


4- Plugins Toadies\Weaver. Default_59\ 48\222.

5- Plugins Simple\ Quick Tile...

*Rotating Mirror _ Default.

Adjust \ Sharpness\Sharpen More.

6-Copy no decor1-lc \Paste as New Layer.

Layers\ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode: Screen _ Opacity: 38%

7- Selections \ Load/Save Selection \ Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #1.

8-Layers \ New Raster Layer. Preencher com o gradiente em uso.

9-Plugins L en K's \Raísa_Default 55\ 0.

*Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror _ 0\180.


Adjust \ Sharpness\Sharpen More.

10-Plugins It@lianEditors Effect\ Effetto Fantasma_Default ( 41\41)

*Selecionar a parte clara do efeito,

Promote selection to Layer

11- Adjust\Hue and Saturation\ Hue Map

Selections\Select none.

Layers Duplicate\Image Mirror Vertical.

Layers\ Merge\ Merge Down.( aplicar duas vezes

Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 100, 50,00_ color #000000.

12- Selections \ Load/Save Selection \ Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #2.

13-Layers \ New Raster Layer. Pintar de #ffffff. Selections\Select none.

14-Plugins Toadies\What Are You? Default. 20\20 ( aplicar duas vezes)

_Adjust \Blur\ Gaussiam Blur=R:20,00.

15- Plugins Toadies\Weaver.( print íem 4)

16-Effects\ Texture Effects\Blinds( print ítem 3)


Layers \ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode: Screen _ Opacity: 100%

Layers Duplicate. Layers\ Merge\ Down.

17-Copy no Callitubes-817flores \Paste as New Layer.

Resize 80% \ Objects\ Align\ Right

Layers\ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode: Soft Light _ Opacity :!00%.


18-Layers \ New Raster Layer. ( raster6)

Plugin VanDerLee\UnPlugged-X v2.0 _ 45 Rectangle.


Image Resize 80% ( estará na posição correta).

Selecione _usar a ferramenta magic wand\default.

19-Selection \ Modify \ Contract: 20 pxls. Delete.

20-Effects\ 3D Effects\ Chisel. Color=#ffffff

Ainda selecionado...

Atenção: Antes de usar essa layer...

Ativar o tube Callitubes-817flores_ image mirror horizontal _ Resize 80%

21-Copy no Callitubes-817flores trabalhado \Paste as New Layer. ( raster7)


Plugin Mura's Seamless \ Emboss at Alpha: Default

22-Layers \ New Raster Layer.

Effects\ 3D Effects\ Cutout:

Selections\Select none.

*Estou na layer topo.(raster8)

Layers Merge Down \ Arrange Move Down

*Topo novamente: Layers Merge down

23-Layers Duplicate\ Resize 25%

Pick Tool: Position X: 678,00 _ Position Y: 544,00.

Layers Duplicate

Pick Tool: Position X: 817,00 _ Position Y: 543,00.


Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 100, 50,00_ color #000000.

layers conferir

24-Raster2. Layers Duplicate

Effects\ Geometric Effects\ Skew.

25-Plugins MuR'as Filter Meister \ Pole Transform.

26-Adjust\Hue and Saturation\ Hue Map

Layers \ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode: Screen _ Opacity: 38%.

*Devera ficar acima da raster2.

Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 100, 50,00_ color #000000.

Pick Tool: Position X: 300,00 _ Position Y: 0.

27- Layers \ New Raster Layer.( raster6)

Selections \Select All .Edit Copy no creation.tine_masque293\
Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections\ Select none.

Layers\ Arrange\ Move Up.
Plugin Mura's Seamless \ Emboss at Alpha: Default

Layers \ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode: Screen


Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color Foreground #1c1e14.

Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color Background #8c905a.

Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color Foreground #1c1e14.

Image \ Add Borders \ 10 pxls color #ffffff.

Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color Foreground #1c1e14.

Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color Background #8c905a.

Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color Foreground #1c1e14.

Image \ Add Borders \ 20 pxls color #ffffff .

Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color Foreground #1c1e14.

Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color Background #8c905a.

Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color Foreground #1c1e14.

Image \ Add Borders \ 30 pxls color #ffffff .

__*Effects \ Plugin \ AAA Filters \ Custom \ Grain\Landscape.

28-Edit \ Copy no Callitubes-4538mulheres\ Edit \ Paste as New Layer..
Use a gosto, posicione.
Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color Foreground #1c1e14.

Resize _Width 1000pxls.

Aplicar a marca d'água.

Assine e salve.

File \ Export \ JPEG Optimizer.

Aparecida\lica _setembro de 2024.

