" Merry Christmas"



Tubes:Renee-TUBES- NOel-2023-55\ Renee-TUBES-Noel-2021- Divers-tubes2
Renee-TUBES-Noel-2023-2-4\EMA_Misted winter tafereel 2_10112024
Decor: decor1-mp\decor 2-lc\decor 3-lc\decor4-mp.
Decor: space_hole_by_paulinemoss-d71vqf6

Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP

Tutorial elaborado no PSP2020.


Plugins MuR'as Filter Meister \ Cloud.
Plugins Carolaine and Sensibility \ CS-Reflection, CS-LDots
Plugins Mehdi \ Sorting Tiles...
Unlimited2 _Buttons & Frames.
Plugins Andromeda\Perspective.


1-Abra o material no PSP, duplique e feche o original.

2-Escolher duas cores para trabalhar. 
Foreground #29364f
Background #4180b7

3-Abra o decor 1- mp_ anexado.



4-Forme um gradiente Linear com as cores em uso, e aplique o change.

5-Layers \ New Raster Layer.

Pintar com o gradiente Linear , formado acima.

Layers\ Arrange\ Send to Bottom

6- Raster1.

Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 5, 5, 50, 5,00, color #000000 e negativo: -5, -5.

7-Raster2 .

Plugins MuR'as Filter Meister \ Cloud.

8-Plugins Carolaine and Sensibility \ CS-Reflection.

9-Plugins Mehdi \ Sorting Tiles...

*Effects\ Edge Effects\ Enhance.

Layers Duplicate.

10-Unlimited2 _Buttons & Frames.

11- Seleção personalizada ( tecleS)

Delete \ Selections _Select none.

12-Effects\ Image Effects\ Seamless Tiling: Default.

13-Plugins Carolaine and Sensibility \ CS-LDots

Layers\ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode: Multiply _ Opacity: 100%

14-Edit copy no decor 2 -lc \Paste as new layer.

Layers\ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode: Luminance(L)_ Opacity: 100%.


Edit copy no \EMA_Misted winter tafereel 2_10112024 \Paste as new layer.

Objects\ Align\ Righi . Adjust\ One Step Photo Fix

Adjust\ Sharpness\Sharpen.

_Posicione o Misted a gosto.

16-Edit copy no space_hole_by_paulinemoss-d71vqf6 \Paste as new layer.

Adjust\ One Step Photo Fix.

Use a gosto.

17-Edit copy no Renee-TUBES-Noel-2023-2-4 \Paste as new layer.

( fechar a layer raster1para posicionar como modelo)

Adjust\ One Step Photo Fix.

*abra a raster1.

18-Edit copy no decor4-mp \Paste as new layer.

Layers\ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode: Luminance( L ) _ Opacity:100%

Adjust\ Sharpness\Sharpen.

Usar abaixo da Raster6.


19-Edit copy no Renee-TUBES-Noel-2021- Divers-tubes2_ ETOILES\Paste as new layer.

Layers\ Arrange\Bring to Top

20-Edit copy no Renee-TUBES-Noel-2021- Divers-tubes2_ DECOS\Paste as new layer.

21-Edit copy no Renee-TUBES- NOel-2023-55\Paste as new layer.

Resize 80%

Posicione. Use a gosto.


Use o Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow, nos efeitos que achar necessario e a gosto!

22-Edit copy no decor 3 -lc \Paste as new layer.

Objects\ Align\ Bottom . Abaixe um pouco o efeito.


23-Edit \Copy Special\ Copy Merged

Paste as new image. ( cole como nova imagem )

_vamos trabalhar essa imagem.

24- Image Resize 18%_Resize all layers marcado .

25-Image \ Add Borders \ 18 pxls color #ffffff.

26-Selections \Select All.\ Selections Modify Contract, 10 pxls

27-Layers \ New Raster Layer. Preencher com a cor escura

28-Selections Modify Contract1\ Delete. Selections _Select none.

Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color escura

29-Edit copy ( copie essa imagem formada)

Retorne ao seu trabalho\Paste as new layer (cole como nova layer).

30-Plugins Andromeda\Perspective.

31-Pick Tool: Position X: 11,00 _ Position Y: 105,00.

Layers Duplicate

32-Pick Tool: Position X: 11.00_ Position Y: 361,00.

33-Edit copy no Renee-TUBES-Noel-2021- Divers-tubes2_ "MERRY CHRISTMAS" - Paste as new layer.

Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 1, 1, 100, 1,00, color #000000 \eou #FFFFFF.

Use a gosto


Image \ Add Borders \ 2 pxls color #escura

Selections \Select All. Image \ Add Borders \ 30 pxls color # ffffff

Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color #escura .

Add Borders \ 20 pxls color # ffffff

Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 100, 50,00, color #000000. \Selections _Select none.

34-Plugins AAA Frames_Foto Frame

Aplicar a marca d'água.

Assine e salve.

File \ Export \ JPEG Optimizer.

Aparecida\lica _dezembro de 2024.

