

Tubes:Callitubes-4532mulheres \Callitubes-111paisagens (1)
Masks usadas para o tutorial: C1qNCDLk3oz2FhJZ66sFevE5US4 \ MaskViolette_R05.
Decor: Mask: C1qNCDLk3oz2FhJZ66sFevE5US4 \ MaskViolette_R05-DECOR\

Marca D'água .

Efeitos do PSP.


Plugins AP [Lines] Lines - SilverLining.
PluginsGraphics Plus
PluginsCarolaine & Sensibility


1-Abrir o material no PSP, duplique e feche o original.

Escolher duas cores para trabalhar. 
Foreground #dec698
Background #0e0704

2 - Abrir o arquivo Alpha_nature_by lica
Pintar com o gradiente Linear, formado pelas cores em uso.


( Fechar a raster1)

3-Effects\ Geometric Effects\Skew

4-Selections\ Select All. Selections Float_Defloat.

Delete. Invert.

5-Pinte com o gradiente em uso. Selections\ Select none.

6-Plugins AP [Lines] Lines - SilverLining.


7-PluginsGraphics Plus\Vertical Mirror_Default. ( 128-0)

8- Effects\Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror \0- 0 _Default.


9-Effects \ Image Effects \ Seamless Tiling.

Effects \3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 0\0\ 80\20,00 Color: #00000

Nos efeitos serão usados o Drop Shadow acima

*Aplique Drop Shadow como desejar.

10-Copy (2) of Raster1.

Selecione com a Magic Wand -Default , o centro do efeito formado.

Ativar a Raster1 _Promote Selection to layer.

Selections\ Select none.

11- Raster1( já ativada) .

Selections Load/Save Selection \ Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection # 1.

Promote Selection To Layer

12-PluginsCarolaine & Sensibility\CS-DLines

Selections\ Select none.

Layers\ Arrange\Move Up( aplicar duas vezes)

13-Copy (2) of Raster1 _Layers Duplicate .

Pluguins Simple\ Zoom Out and Flip.

Layers\ Arrange\ Move Down.

Layers \ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode_ Screen \ Opacity 100%.

14-Duplicar a Layer ( Blend Mode_ Screen ) . Mudar o Blend Mode para Darken na layer duplicada
( Copy (4 ) of Raster1) .

Layers\ conferir

15-Selecionar com a Magic Wand a Layer Promoted Selection _ acima da Raster1
( Se necessario, clicar mais de uma vez).

16-Edit \ Copy no Callitubes-111paisagens \Edit \ Paste a New Layer.
Resize 80% _

Opcional Emboss3 \ Não usando o emboss3, aplique : Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen.
Selections\ Select none.

17-Edit \ Copy no decormask-C1qNCDLk3oz2FhJZ66sFevE5US4\Edit \ Paste a New Layer
Resize 120%

Layers \ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode_ Luminance(L)\ Opacity 100.
Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen.

18-Layer topo
Abrir o anexo MaskViolette_R05_Decor.

Edit \ Copy no decor1MaskViolette_R05 \Edit \ Paste a New Layer.

Pick Tool: Position X: 0 \ Position Y: 17 .
Effects \3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 0\0\ 80\20,00 Color: #00000

19-Edit \ Copy no decor2MaskViolette_R05 \Edit \ Paste a New Layer.

Pick Tool: Position X: 791 \ Position Y: 10 .
Effects \3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 0\0\ 80\20,00 Color: #00000

20-Edit \ Copy no decor3MaskViolette_R05 \Edit \ Paste a New Layer.
Obs: dentro da pasta MaskViolette_R05_ decor3

Pick Tool: Position X: 188\ Position Y: 276 .
Effects \3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 0\0\ 80\20,00 Color: #00000

21-Effects\Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror \0- 180 .

_Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color #000000

22-Effects \ Plugin \ AAA Filters \ Custom \ Landscape , Default.

_Image \ Add Borders \ 10 pxls color #ffffff

_Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color #000000

_Image \ Add Borders \ 25 pxsl color #ffffff

23-Edit \ Copy no Callitubes-4532mulheres \Edit \ Paste a New Layer.

24-Edit \ Copy no Callitubes-789flores \Edit \ Paste a New Layer.

Drop Shadow e tube use a gosto.

_Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color #000000

Aplicar a marca d'água.

Assine e salve.

File \ Export \ JPEG Optimizer.

Aparecida\lica _maio de 2024.


