"Meu Disfarce"

Material Aqui

Seleções: disfarce1\disfarce2_ by lc. Salvar a seleção na pasta Selection do PSP.
Tubes:Callitubes-3434mulheres \Callitubes-605Paisagens\Callitubes-327flores
deco1bylc\deco2 bylc
Marca D'água

Efeitos do PSP


Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact \ Glass
Plugin \ AAA Filters \ Custom
VM Distortion\ Distortion by Brigtness
Plugin Artistique
Convolution Filter
Plugin \ AAA Frames \Foto Frame.


1-Abrir o material no PSP, duplique e feche o original.

Escolher duas cores para trabalhar. 
#2f2c16 escura
#c0ba67 clara

2-Abrir uma transparência de 1024 x 600 pxls.

3-Selections \ Load/Save Selections \ Load Selection From Disk: disfarce1-lc.

4- Pintar a seleção com a cor escura.

5-Selections \ Modify \ Contract: 30. Aperte a tecla delete do teclado.

6-Layers \ New Raster Layer.

Edit \ Copy no Misted Callitubes-605Paisagens , Edit \Paste Into Selection.

Adjust \ Sharpness \ Sharpen. Selections \ Select None.

Layers \ Merge \Merge Down.

7-Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact \ Glass:

8- Plugin \ AAA Filters \ Custom \ Landscape_Default.

9-Layers \ New Raster Layer.
Selections \ Load/Save Selections \ Load Selection From Disk: disfarce2-lc.

10-Flood Fill: Opacity 60%. Pintar a seleção com a cor clara.

11-Edit \ Copy no decor_nmcriacoes_\Edit \ Paste a new Layer.
Centralizar na seleção.

Selections \ Select None.
Layers \ Merge \Merge Down.

12-Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact \ Glass: print ítem7.

13- Plugin \ AAA Filters \ Custom \ Landscape_Default.

Layers\Arrange\ Move Down

*Flood Fill: Opacity - NORMALIZAR 100%

14-Layers \ New Raster Layer. Layers Arrange Send to Bottom
*Pintar a layer com a cor escura.

15- Selections \ Select All.

Edit \ Copy no Tube Callitubes-3434mulheres. Edit \ Paste Into Selections.

Selections \ Select None.

16 - Effects \ Image Effects \ Seamless Tiling: Default.

17-Adjust Blur\Radial Blur

18-VM Distortion\ Distortion by Brigtness

19 - Plugin Artistique

20-Convolution Filter ( Emboss (light)

Emboss 191.

Layers Duplicate

21-Plugin Nick Software\ Color EfexPro 3.0\Glamour Glow_Default

Layers \ Properties_ Blend Mode Multiply.

*Edit Repeat o Efeito,Glamour Glow_Default.

22-Edit \ Copy no decor_nmcriacoes_65\Edit \ Paste a new Layer.

23-Image\Free Rotate
Puxar o efeito com a Ferramente Pick Tool (k)\até o final do back.

24-Ativar a régua. Posicione a 430 pxls
Layers Duplicate\Image Vertical\ Image Mirror Horizontal
Layers \ Merge \Merge

Blend Mode Luminance (L)Blend Mode Luminance (L)


Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow a gosto.

Layers Duplicate_Raster4

25-Plugin Mura'sMeister\PoleTransforme

26-Layers Arrange Bring to Top

Layers \ Properties_ Blend Mode Screen.

Usar como modelo.

Duplicar o efeito e usar como modelo.

Layers \ Properties_ Blend Mode Screen.


Edit \Copy no deco1\ Edit \ Paste a New Layer.


28-Edit \Copy no deco2\ Edit \ Paste a New Layer.


29 Layer do topo.

Edit \Copy Callitubes-3434mulheres\ Edit \ Paste a New Layer.

Posicione, use a gosto.

30-Edit \Copy Callitubes-327flores\ Edit \ Paste a New Layer.

Posicione, use a gosto


Effects \ Plugin \ AAA Frames \Foto Frame. Width 25, demais valores Default

Aplicar a marca d'água.

Assine e salve.

File \ Export \ JPEG Optimizer.


