

Tubes:Callitubes-4558mulheres\ Callitubes-29paisagens\Callitubes-820flores
Aves: bird_brushes_II_by_lpdragonfly_5
Mask :creation.tine_masque334
Decor:deco1lc\ títulobylc

Marca D'água .

Efeitos do PSP.


Plugins Richard Rosenman \ Solid Border
Plugins \Filters Unlimited \ FunHouse
Plugins \Filters Unlimited \
Plugins Simple \ Pizza Slice Mirror.
Plugins Graphics Plus\Vertical Mirror
Plugin MuRa's Meister \ Perspective Tiling


1-Abrir o material no PSP, duplique e feche o original.

Escolher duas cores para trabalhar. 
Foreground #000000
Background #ffffff

2 - Abrir nova imagem transparente de 900 x 600.
3-Pintar com o gradiente Linear, formado pelas cores em uso.

Layers\Duplicate\Image Mirror Horizontal

Layers \ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode: Soft Light _ Opacity: 100%.

Layers\ Merge\ Merge Down.

4-Image \ Add Borders \ 50 pxls color #ffffff.

5-Plugins Richard Rosenman \ Solid Border(color #000000

6-Selecionar esta borda ( color#000000 )com a ferramenta Magic Wand_Default.

7-Preencher com o gradiente em uso.

8-Efects\ Texture Effects\ Weave
Color #000000

Adjust \ Sharpness \ Sharpen
Selections\ Select none.

9-Selections \ Select All. Selections \Modify \Contract 50 pxls.
Promote Selection to Layer.

10- Plugins \Filters Unlimited \ FunHouse \ Emission Mirror... Default

11-Selections \ Select All. Selections \Modify \Contract 100 pxls.

12-Selections \Modify \ Select Selection Borders

13-Layers \ New Raster Layer. Preencher color #ffffff.
Selections\ Select none.

14- Plugins \Filters Unlimited \ .

Layers \ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode: Screen _ Opacity: 100%.

Effects \Plugins Mura's Seamless \ Emboss at Alpha: Default


*Layers\Merge\Merge Visible

15-Plugins Simple \ Pizza Slice Mirror.

16-Effects\ Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror \0_180

17-Plugins Graphics Plus\Vertical Mirror_Default ( 128-0 )

18- Effects \ Image Effects \ Seamless Tiling.

19-Efects\Reflexion Effects\Feedback.

 20-Edit Repeat: .Effects \ Image Effects \ Seamless Tiling. (ítem 18)

21-Plugin Nick Software\ Color EfexPro 3.0\Pro Contrast_Default

22-Layers \ New Raster Layer. Preencher color #ffffff.

Layers \ New Mask Layer \ From Image:creation.tine_masque33

Effects\ Edge Effects\ Enhance. Layers \ Merge \ Merge Group.

Effects \Plugins Mura's Seamless \ Emboss at Alpha: Default

Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 1, 1, 100, 1,00_ color #000000.

23-Layer inferior: Seleção Personalizada ( tecle S)

Promote Selection to Layer

24-Plugin MuRa's Meister \ Perspective Tiling: Default

*Com a Ferramenta Magic Wand \ Feather 60 \ Clique na parte transparente . Deletar ( quatro-cinco \ vezes ).

Selections\ Select none.

Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More

25-Edit \ Copy no Callitubes-29paisagens
Edit \ Paste as New Layer.

Resize 80%_ aplicar duas vezes


26-Layers Duplicate
Edit Repeat: .Effects \ Image Effects \ Seamless Tiling. (ítem 18)

Layers \ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode: Hard Light_ Opacity: 100%.

*Tirar a visibilidade da layer inferior.

27-Edit \ Copy no deco1lc\ Edit \ Paste as New Layer..

Layers \ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode: Luminance ( L )_ Opacity: 100%.

Edit Repeat: .Effects \ Image Effects \ Seamless Tiling. (ítem 18)

Layers\ Arrange\Bring to Top


28-Image \ Add Borders \ 50 pxls color #ffffff.

29-Plugins Richard Rosenman \ Solid Border(color #000000
*Mesmos valores ítem 5.

30-Selecionar esta borda ( color#000000 )com a ferramenta Magic Wand_Default.

31-Preencher com o gradiente em uso.

32-Efects\ Texture Effects\ Weave
*Mesmos valores ítem 8.

Adjust \ Sharpness \ Sharpen


Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 100, 40,00_ color #000000.

Selections\ Select none.

33-Edit \ Copy no Callitubes-4558mulheres\ Edit \ Paste as New Layer..
Use a gosto, posicione

33-Edit \ Copy no Callitubes-820flores\ Edit \ Paste as New Layer..
Use a gosto, posicione.

34-Edit \ Copy no bird_brushes_II_by_lpdragonfly_5\ Edit \ Paste as New Layer..
Use a gosto, posicione.

35-Edit \ Copy no titulocontrast_bylc\ Edit \ Paste as New Layer..
Use a gosto, posicione.

_Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color #000000

Effects \ Plugin \ AAA Filters \ Custom \ Grain( opcional)

Resize _Width 1000pxls.

Aplicar a marca d'água.

Assine e salve.

File \ Export \ JPEG Optimizer.

Aparecida\lica _Junho de 2024.

