

Tubes: Callitubes-4411mulheres\ Callitubes-824flores

Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.


Plugins VM Extravaganza\ Transmission.
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact \ Glass
Plugins VM Toolbox \ Slipthrough.
Plugin Nick Software


1-Abra o material no PSP, duplique e feche o original.

Escolher duas cores para trabalhar. 
Foreground #766942
Background #52181c

2- Abrir nova imagem transparente de 950 x 650 pxls.

3-Preencher com o gradiente formado pelas cores acima.
Configurar Sunburst .

4- Plugins VM Extravaganza\ Transmission.

Layers duplicate.

Image Resize 80%

5-Selecionar a parte externa com a ferramenta Magic Wand_Default.


6- Adjust Blur\ Gaussian Blur...R: 46,00.

7-Adjust \ Add / Remove Noise .

8-Edit Copy no Callitubes-824flores \ Edit Paste Into Selection .
Selections\ Select none.

Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen

9- Effects\ Image Effects\ Offset.

Layers duplicate.

10-Layer Original_Copy of Raster1.

Effects\ Distortion Effects\Wind.

11-Plugins VM Extravaganza\ Transmission.

Effects \ Edge Effects \ Enhance More

12-Layer topo_Copy (2) of Raster1.

Image Resize80%

13-Effects\ Image Effects\ Offset.
( repeat mesmos valores)

14-Edit Copy nas linhasbylc\ Paste As New Layer.

Layers duplicate.

15-Resize 110%

Layers\ Merge\ Merge Down.

16-Voltar a Copy (2) of Raster1.
Plugins VM Toolbox \ Slipthrough.

17-Effects \ Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror ...

Layers Duplicate . Objects\ Align\ Right.
Layers\ Merge\ Merge Down.

18-Selecionar o grafico branco esquerdo.

*Usar a ferramenta Selection Tool( S).

Promote Selection To Layer

19-Edit Copy no Callitubes-824flores \ Paste As New Layer.

Image Resize 80%

Veja a posição melhor para suas flores

Invert\ Delete\ Invert
Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen. Selections\ Select none.

20-Plugins \ Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact \ Glass \ Clear.
( ou como preferir)

Layers\ Merge\ Merge Down.

Layers Duplicate _ posicione no segundo quadro.

Layers\ Merge\ Merge Down.
( aplicar duas vezes )

21- Ativar a Raster2 _layer topo
Seleção personalizada ( tecleS)

Delete\Selections Select none.

22- Raster1.
_Plugin Nick Software\ Color EfexPro 3.0\Graduated Filters.
Color Set \Orange1 _Default.

23-Edit Copy no backfinal-bylc \ Paste As New Layer.
Layers \ Properties \ General \ Blend Mode_ Overley\ Opacity 100%.

Layers, conferir:

24- Layer topo
Edit Copy no \ MASK-MD-089, Edit \ Paste as New Layer
Usar na parte superior do back.

Duplicar e usar ao lado esquerdo.

25-Edit Copy no \ Callitubes-162decor. Edit \ Paste as New Layer
Usar como modelo

26-Edit Copy no \ Callitubes-4411mulheres. Edit \ Paste as New Layer
Usar a gosto.

27-Edit Copy no \ titulobylc. Edit \ Paste as New Layer
Usar a gosto.


Image \ Add Borders \ 2 pxls color #Clara

Select all \Copy

Image \ Add Borders \ 40 pxls color #ffffff
Edit Paste Into Selection
Adjust Blur\ Gaussian Blur...R: 46,00.
Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 80, 40,00_ color #000000.

*Edit Repeat

Selections\ Select none.

Image \ Add Borders \ 2 pxls color #Clara

Aplicar a marca d'água.

Assine e salve.

File \ Export \ JPEG Optimizer.

Aparecida\lica _Julho de 2024.

