

Tubes:femme892-coly\vase95-coly \5156-luzcristina

Seleção: Selcirculolc.PspSelection\ ( Salve em sua pasta de seleções My PSP Files )

Preset flowers_mp\do Eye Candy 5 \ Impact \Glass. ( dar duplo clic sobre o preset para importá-lo ao Plugin)

Decor:decor1_bylc\ decor2_bylc

Back:free_back_ildiko .

Titulo: titulo_bylc

Marca D'água .

Efeitos do PSP.



Plugin Mehdi\ Edges FX.
Plugin Graphics Plus
Plugin Simple_Diamonds _Blintz
Plugin \ AAA Frames \Foto Frame


Foreground #20191a \ Background #b08972

Abra o material no PSP, duplique e feche o original.

1- Abra nova imagem transparente de 1000 x 700 pxls. Pintar com o gradiente Linear, Angle 0, Repeats 1.
formado pelas cores em uso.

2-Escolha um grafico ou misted com cores que combinem com as em uso (5156-luzcristina).

3-Select All. Edit Copy no misted_ 5156-luzcristina.

\ Edit Paste Into Selection. Selections\ Select none.

4-Effects\ Image Effects\ Seamless Tiling: Default.

5-Adjust\ Blur\ Gaussian Blur. 38,00.

6-Adjust \ Add/Remove \ Add Noise 15%\ Uniform\ Monochrome.

_FMTT\Blend Emboss(Default)

*Layers Duplicate\ Image Resize 80%

7-Selecionar a parte externa da imagem com a ferramenta Magic Wand _Default.
8-Layers \ New Raster Layer.
Edit Copy no free_back_ildiko \ Edit Paste Into Selection. Selections\ Select none

Adjust \ Sharpness \ Sharpen More
Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 80, 40,00, color #000000.

Layers\ Merge\ Merge Down.

9- Unlimited2 _

10-Plugin Simple_Diamonds.

11-Ativar a ferramenta
Selecionar a parte interna da imagem . Observe Print.


a parte interna.

Promote Selection to Layer.

_Selections\ Select none.

12-Effects \ Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror: Default.

13- Plugin Graphics Plus\ Vertical Mirror_Default.

14-Effects \ Image Effects \ Seamless Tiling:

15-Plugin Mehdi\Edges FX.

Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 80, 40,00, color #000000.

Edit \ Repeat Drop Shadow

Layers Duplicate

16-Plugin Simple\ Blintz

Edit \ Repeat Blintz .

Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 2, 22, 80, 30,00, color #000000.

17- Plugins \ Xero \ Frittillary: Default~

Adjust \ Sharpness \ Sharpen

18-Effects \ Reflection Effects\Kaleidoscope.

19-Selections \Load \ Save Selection \Load Selection From Disk \ Load \selcirculolc.PspSelection.

Promote Selection to Layer.

20-Plugins \ Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 _ Impact \ Glass_flowers

Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 80, 40,00, color #000000.

Selections \ Select None.

21- Layers Duplicate

Image Resize 20% posicione lado esquerdo ( veja modelo)

22-Effects \ Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror: 0-180

23-Edit \ Copy no decor1_bylc\Edit \ Paste a New Layer.

Layers \ Properties: Blend Mode Screen, Opacity 55%.


Fique a vontade para mudar os Blends de acordo com as cores que estiver usando.

24-Edit \ Copy no decor2_bylc\Edit \ Paste a New Layer.

Suba um pouco o efeito, veja modelo.

25-Edit \ Copy Special Copy Merged.

Selections \ Select All

Image \ Add Borders \ 50 pxls color#ffffff.


Edit Paste Into Selection

Adjust\ Blur\ Gaussian Blur. 38,00.

Effects \ Plugin \ AAA Frames \Foto Frame. Width 30, demais valores Default.

Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 80, 40,00, color #000000.

Selections \ Select None.

26-Edit \ Copy no femme892-coly.Edit \ Paste a New Layer.


27-Edit \ Copy no vase95-coly \ Paste a New Layer.


*Effects\ Photo Effects\ Film And Filters.

28-Edit \ Copy no titulo_bylc\Paste a New Layer.


Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color #000000.

*Aplique Drop Shadow como desejar nos três ítens(26\27\28)

Resize _Width 1000 pxls.

Aplicar a marca d'água.

Assine e salve.

File \ Export \ JPEG Optimizer.

Aparecida, Setembro de 2023.


