


Material Aqui


Preset Illumination\Lights_alive (mp) ( Guardar em sua pasta de  Presets My PSP Files).
Tubes:5008-luzcristina \bouquet_de_fleurs_tubed_by_thafs\CAL-2917-080218.
Masks:Ildiko_mask_1_031 \Narah_Mask_1287.
Back: raster3lc.
Deco: deco1lc \deco2lc-chão \decoarquivo\decor_nmcriacoes_86.
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX8.
Plugin Galaxy
Plugin MuRa's Meister
Plugin Carolaine and Sensibility
Tutorial _Roteiro
1-Abrir uma nova imagem transparente de 1024 x 800 pxls.  Selections\ Select All . Edit  Copy no CAL-2917-080218 misted ( raster1 ) \ Edit Paste Into Selection. Selections\ Select none.
2-Effects\ Image Effects\ Seamless Tiling: Default.
3- Adjust\ Blur\ Radial Blur.
4-Plugin Galaxy.
5- Plugin Carolaine and Sensibility\ CS-LDots... 
_Escolha duas cores que combinem com seu tube principal.
Foreground    #1f0e00 \ Background  #b1a585
6-Nova Layer.
Preencher com a color do foreground #1f0e00. 
Nova Layer.
Preencher com a color do background #b1a585.
7-Aplicar a Mask_Ildiko_mask_1_031.
Layer \ Merge Group.
 Plugin \ MuRa's Seamless \ Emboss at Alpha... _Default.
8- Selecionar com a ferramenta Magic Wand_Default, os retângulos formados.
9- Selections \Modify\ Select Selection Borders.
Promote Selection to Layer.
10- Effects\ Texture Effects\ Blinds
Selections\ Select none.
11- Nessa layer, promoted selection ,selecionar como ítem 8.
_Edit  Copy no CAL-2917-080218 misted ( raster2 ) \ Edit Paste Into Selection. Selections\ Select none.
12- Ativar a Group -Raster3. A layer inferior.
Layer Duplicate
_Plugin Galaxy ( mesmo preset ítem 4).
Layer Duplicate
13-Plugin MuRa's Meister \Perspective Tiling . Height 21 \ demais valores _Default.
 Plugin \ MuRa's Seamless \ Emboss at Alpha... _Default. 
Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow _Default.
14- Ativar a layer superior (Promoted Selection).
Layer Duplicate.
_Plugin Galaxy (mesmo preset ítem 4). 
 Layer\ Merge Down.
Adjust \One Step Photo Fix ( opcional _ vai depender do seu misted).
Adjust Sharpeness \ Sharpen More.
Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow _Default.
15- Nova Layer\ Send to Bottom.
Preencher  com a gradiente formada pelas cores acima. Configurar Sunburst  \  Repeats 0. Invert marcado.
CP e FP\ H e V =50.
16-Effects\ Illumination Effects\ Preset Illumination\ Lights\ alive.
layers\ blends\ opacitys
( use a gosto )
17- Ativar a Raster2.
Edit  Copy no deco1lc\ Paste As New Layer.
(  raster4)
18-Edit  Copy no decor_nmcriacoes_86\ Paste As New Layer.
Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow _Default.
( raster5)
19-Ativar a Layer Copy (2)  of Group- Raster3 (Perspective Tiling ).
Edit  Copy no deco2lc-chão\ Paste As New Layer.
Objects\ Align\ Bottom.
( raster6)
20-Nova Layer.  
Preencher com a color do background #b1a585.
Aplicar a Narah_Mask_1287
Layer \ Merge Group.
 Plugin \ MuRa's Seamless \ Emboss at Alpha... _Default.
Layer Duplicate
Image \ Mirror\ Horizontal.
Layer\ Merge Down.
21-Effects\ Distortion Effects\Pinch. S=100%.
Layer Duplicate
Layer\ Merge Down.
  Plugin \ MuRa's Seamless \ Emboss at Alpha... _Default.
Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow 1\ 1\ 100\ 1,00 .Color=#000000.
22-Edit  Copy no decoarquivo\ Paste As New Layer.
(bm= luminance(L) )
23-Ativar a layer superior:
Edit  Copy no tube 5008-luzcristina\ Paste As New Layer. Posicione.
24-Edit  Copy no tube bouquet_de_fleurs_tubed_by_thafs\ Paste As New Layer. Resize a gosto.
25-Edit  Copy na raster3.
( segue anexado)
Image \ Add Borders \ 2 pxls color =#background.
 Image \ Add Borders \ 20 pxls color =#ffffff.
Promote Selection to Layer.
 Edit Paste Into Selection. Selections\ Select none .
( a raster3 copiada)* segue anexo.
Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color =#background.
Image \ Add Borders \ 30 pxls color =#ffffff
Promote Selection to Layer.
 Edit Paste Into Selection.
( a raster3 copiada).
*Plugin Carolaine and Sensibility\ CS-LDots... ( veja print ítem 5 ). 
Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow 0\ 0\ 80\ 40,00.Color=#000000.
Selections\ Select none .
Merge All.
 Resize \ Width 1024pxls
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.
Aparecida \ licacida ,setembro de 2018.
Espero  que gostem.
outra versão!!
 tube:Gabry-woman 99-18