" Shed Light "


Material Aqui


Tubes: tube3166_mulher_mara_pontes \ SvB Modern vaasje met amaryllis.
Deco: ildiko_create_0009free_deco_1\ ildiko@create0001_deco \@ildiko_create_deco_free_014\
deco1lc \ deco2lc
Back; back1.
Brush 28\ arquivo.
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX8.
Plugin Mehdi.
Plugin AP {Lines}Lines -SilverLining.
Plugin VanDerLee.
Tutorial _Roteiro
*Configurar : #f6dee8 _foreground (clara) \  #7c7a78 _background (escura)
1-Abrir uma nova imagem transparente de 1000 x 700 pxls.
_Plugin Mehdi\Wavy Lab.
( as cores abaixo, aparecerão normalmente)
_Adjust\ Blur \ Gaussian Blur. R=32,00.
2- Nova Layer.
_Plugin VanDerLee\ UnPlugged-x...Rotocube.  S=40\  R=0\  Color=#7c7a78 ( usada no background).
_Effects\ Image Effects\ Seamless Tiling:
3- Plugin AP {Lines}Lines -SilverLining... Dotty Grid.
(color= #ffffff)
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen.
4-Ativar a Raster1.
_Seleção Personalizada 01 ( tecle a letra S ).
_Promote\ Selection to Layer.  Layer\ Arrange\ Bring to Top.
Selections\ Select none.
5-Effects\ Distortion Effects \Pixelate.
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen.
*retirar a sobra da seleção 01.
_Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow 0\ 18\ 100\ 0.  Color=#f6dee8 ( usada no foreground) .
_Repetir: Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow 0 \ (menos) -18 \100\ 0.  Color=#f6dee8.
_Layer\ Merge\ Merge Down. 
_ Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow 0\ 0\ 60\ 30,00.  Color=#000000.
6-Edit Copy ildiko_create_0009free_deco_1 \ Paste As New Layer.
_Acertar as laterais com a ferramenta Pick Tool o efeito como mostra o print.
_Efects\ Image Effects\ Offset... H= 0 \V= (menos) -2 . Custom e Transp.
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.  Layer\ Arrange\Move Down.
7-Ativar a Raster1.
_Seleção Personalizada 02 ( tecle a letra S ).
_Promote\ Selection to Layer.  Layer\ Arrange\ Bring to Top.
_Edit Copy\ ildiko@create0001_deco\  Edit Paste Into Selection .
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.   Selections\ Select none.
_Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow 0\ 0\ 60\ 30,00.  Color=#000000.
8-Ativar a Raster1.  Layer Duplicate.
_Effects\ Distortion Effects \Pixelate.  ( print ítem5 ).
  *Em seguida :
_Plugin MuRa's Meister \Perspective Tiling.
_ Layer\ Arrange\ Move Up ( duas vezes ).
9- Nova layer\Send to Bottom.
 _ Select All. Edit Copy no back1lc \ Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections\ Select none. 
10-Ativar a Raster1.
_Plugin AP {Lines}Lines -SilverLining... Dotty Grid.
( color=#000000 )
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen  .
_Layers\ Blends\ Opacitys. 
(usar a gosto)
11-Ativar a Raster2.
_Edit Copy no deco1lc \Paste As New Layer.
_Efects\ Image Effects\ Offset... H= -209  (menos) \ V= 0 . Custom e Transp.
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.
12- Edit Copy no deco2lc \Paste As New Layer.
_Efects\ Image Effects\ Offset... H= 0 \ V= 103 . Custom e Transp.
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.
13- Ativar a layer superior.
_Edit Copy \\ @ildiko_create_deco_free_014 ( raster2 ) \@ildiko_create_deco_free_011 \ brush 28_Resize 80% _usar abaixo da copy of raster1\\ Paste As New Layer. 
 Use a gosto.
14- Duplicar a layer inferior ( raster 4 ) .  Layer\ Arrange\ Bring to Top.
_Blend Mode= Overley. Opacity 77%.
**Plugin AAA Filters\ Custom_Landscape .
*Mudar Opacity da Raster2 para 60%.
 15-Image add borderes 1 pxl \ color= #7c7a78 _background ( escura ).
_Select All. Edit Copy.
_Image add borderes 40 pxls \ color= #ffffff.  Invert.
_Edit Paste Into Selection .
_Adjust\ Blur \ Gaussian Blur. R=32,00.
_Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow 0\ 0\ 60\ 30,00.  Color=#000000.
_Selections\ Select none. 
16-Plugin AAA_Frames.
17-Edit Copy no tube3166_mulher_mara_pontes \Paste As New Layer.  Posicione.
18-Edit Copy no SvB Modern vaasje met amaryllis \Paste As New Layer. Use a gosto.
_Image add borderes 1 pxl \ color= #7c7a78 _background ( escura ).
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.
Aparecida \ licacida , maio de 2017.
Espero  que gostem.