
Material Aqui


Background: JHanna_164 background ( poderá modificar e usar a gosto o background JHanna )
Tubes: Nubes en capa -luzcristina\ Ruines_gothiques_CibiBijoux \Beauty_Lara_HB_by_CibiBijoux\Grisi_Tube_Decoration_329
Birds of a Feather II_27.
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX8.
Plugin Nick Software\ Color EfexPro 3.0.
Plugin dsb flux\
Filters Unlimited 2.0 \ Distortion Filters 
Tutorial _Roteiro
1-Abrir nova imagem transparente de 1000 x 700 pxls. 
Sel All. Edit Copy no JHanna_164 background \ Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections\ Select none.
 2-Seleção Personalizada(tecleS).
Promote Selection to Layer .
 Effects\ 3D Effects\ Inner Bevel.
Selections\ Select none.
Plugin dsb flux\ Linear Transmission...
Effects \Edge Effects\ Enhance.
 Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow. ( menos)  -2\  12\ 60 \ 13,00 . (Color=#000000) .
Effects\ Geometric Effects\ Skew.
Layer\ Duplicate \ Image Mirror Vertical. Image Mirror Horizontal.
Layer\ Merge\ Merge Down ( Aplicar duas vezes).
Layer\ Duplicate
3-Effects\ Geometric Effects\Perspective -Vertical.
Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow. ( menos)  -2\  12\ 60 \ 13,00 . (Color=#000000) .
Repetir: Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow.  2\ (menos) -12\ 60 \ 13,00 . (Color=#000000) .
4-Ativar a raster1 \ Layer\ Duplicate.
Plugin MuRa's Meister Perspective Tiling...Heigh12 \ demais valores default.
Layer\ Arrange\ Move Up. Emboss3.
5-Volto a ativar a raster1\ Effects\ Image Effects\ Seamless Tiling:
Plugins  <I.C.NET Software>  Filters Unlimited 2.0 \ Distortion Filters _Surface Tension _Default (128)
Adjust \ Add/ Remove Noise_ JPGE Artifactal Removal. Maximum\ 78.
Plugin FMTT\ Blend Emboss .  Adjust\ One Step Photo Fix.
Layer\ Duplicate.
6-Plugin Nick Software\ Color EfexPro 3.0\ Bi-Color User Defined.
7-Edit Copy no tube Nubes en capa _luzcristina\Paste As New Layer.
Objects\ Align\Top.
Layers\ Blends\ Opacitys
8-  Ativar a Copy of raster1. ( a layer do Perspective -Vertical ).
Edit Copy no misted Ruines_gothiques_CibiBijoux \Paste As New Layer. Posicione
 Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen  More.
*Plugin AAA Filters\ Custom_Landscape . (opcional) 
9-Edit Copy nos Birds of a Feather II_27 \Paste As New Layer. Posicione.
10-Edit Copy no tube Beauty_Lara_HB_by_CibiBijoux \Paste As New Layer. Resize 80%. Posicione.
11-Edit Copy no Grisi_Tube_Decoration_329 \Paste As New Layer. Posicione.
12- Image add borderes  pxl . Color=#000000.
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.
Aparecida \ licacida , setembro de 2017.
Espero  que gostem.