Tag "Zane"
Preset Illumination\ Lights \ lightsl3bllc (guardar em sua pasta de Presets My PSP Files)
 Tubes: tube1852_mulher_mara_pontes \ tubefloral .
( arquivo net, darei os creditos qdo souber autor).
Back: BACK6-RB \Regina Barbeiro.  
Mask: !!!!.mask.ket-fadesuave.
Marca D'água.
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX6

Plugin Mehdi \ Wavy Lab...

Plugin Flaming Pear\ Flexify 2...

Plugin VM Natural \ Marble Madness...


Tutorial _Roteiro
Background: #00200c \ Foreground: #ebf2eb.


1-  Abrir uma nova imagem  transparente de 1000 x 700 pxls.


2- Plugin Mehdi \ Wavy Lab...


3- New Layer.
Selections\ Select All . Edit copy tube1852_mulher_mara_pontes\ Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections \ Select none.
4-Effects\ Image Effects\Seamless Tiling: Default.
5- Adjust\ Blur\ Radial Blur.
6-Plugin Flaming Pear\ Flexify 2...
7-Plugin VM Natural \ Marble Madness...
* Repetir o Plugin VM Natural \ Marble Madness...(( mesmos valores acima )).
8-Selections\ Select All .  Selections\   Modify Contract \ pxls:  40.
9-Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow.
10- Promote Selection to Layer.   Selections \ Select none.
11- Ativar a Raster1.
Adjust\ Blur\ Radial Blur.
12-New Layer. Arrange\ Send to Botton.

 Select all \ Edit copy no BACK6-RB\ Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections \ Select None.


13- Ativar a layer superior ( Promoted Selection ).

 New Layer.

Select all \ Edit copy no floral\ Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections \ Select None.




14-Ativar Raster2.

Effects \Illumination Effects \ Preset Illumination\Lights\ lights3bllc.




15-*Repetir o Plugin VM Natural \ Marble Madness...(( mesmos valores ítem 7)).


Layers\ Blends\ Opacitys.



16- Ativar a Raster 4 .

Edit Copy no tube1852_mulher_mara_pontes \ Paste As New Layer . 


*Dependendo do tube que vai usar, suavise a base com a mask !!!!.mask.ket-fadesuave.

Merge \ Group.  Posicione a gosto.


17-Ativar Raster1.

Effects \Illumination Effects \ Preset Illumination\Lights\ lights3bllc.


18-Image \Add Borders \2 pxls  symmetric marcado. Color=#ebf2eb( cor clara) .


*Edit Copy


19-Image / Add Borders / 40 pxls  symmetric marcado. Color=#ffffff.

Selecione . 


20-Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections \ Invert.


21- Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow.



Selections \ Select None.


22-Image \Add Borders \ 40 pxls  symmetric marcado. Color=#ffffff ou a gosto.

Selecione .  Selections \ Invert.


*Repetir o ítem 21. Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow.



Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve em JPG.
Espero que gostem .
Rio de Janeiro , Maio de 2014.











