Top  ***Dea Maia***
Dedicado a querida Deinha , com carinho!!
Preset Illumination\ Lights \ 1bllc  \  2bllc\ 3bllc\ 4bllc (guardar em sua pasta de Presets My PSP Files)
Tubes: TubeNP 1123 \ TubeNP 1124 \Tubeclaudiaviza-mix51
Background\JHanna_364 background
Mask : Mask!!!!.mask.ket-fadesuave.
Back: coloridorb
Marca D'água.
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX5
Plugin VM Natural\ Splash!...
Plugin Unlimited 2.0 \ Distortion Filters \ Surface Tension.
Plugin  FMTT\ Blend Emboss.
Plugin MuRa's Meister/Perspective Tiling.
Plugin MuRa's Meister \ Pole Transform.
Plugin Nik Software/ Color EfexPro 3.0 .
Tutorial _Roteiro


 1-Abrir uma nova imagem transparente 1024x600.


2-Select All /  Edit Copy no JHanna_364 background/  Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections / Select none. 


3-Selecionar os retângulos. Use a ferramenta Selection Tool (S)   Selection \ Selection type: Rectangle.


4-Selections\ Modify\ Expandy 3.
5-New Layer .Edit Copy no TubeNP 1124  (paisagem) / Edit Paste Into Selection .
6-Effects / 3D Effects / Chisel. Color= #4b4d29
_Selections / Select none.

7- Edit Copy nessa layer.

Image /Canvas Size _1024 x 750 _Bottom 150.


8-New Layer. Arrange/Send to Botton.

_Pintar com o gradiente formado pelas cores:  #4b4d29  e   #a9b47c . Configurar Sunburst : Repeats 0. Invert marcado.  CP=H e V=50
9-Select All / Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections / Select none. 
10- Plugin VM Natural\ Splash!...

11-Plugin Unlimited 2.0 \ Distortion Filters \ Surface Tension. Default.

12-Adjust / Add/ Remove Noise/ JPEG Artifact Removal. Maximum \ 100.


13-Plugin  FMTT\ Blend Emboss.


14- Layer\ Duplicate .  Aplicar o Plugin L en K's Pia / 130.


15-Plugin MuRa's Meister/Perspective Tiling.
16-Effects \ Image Effects \Seamless Tiling \Side by side.  
17-Aplicar a Mask !!!!.mask.ket-fadesuave.  Layer / Merge / Merge Group. 
18- Ativar a Raster 3\ Layer Duplicate . Aplicar  o Plugin MuRa's Meister \ Pole Transform.
_ Layer \ Arrange\ Bring to Top. 
 19-Effects\ Distortion Effects\ Ripple. 
20-Effects\ Geometric Effects \ Spherize.
S=100 \ Elipse.
21-Ativar a Raster1 .
_Plugin Nik Software/ Color EfexPro 3.0 \ Bi-Color filters \Cool \ Warm \2.
_Effects /Illumination Effects / Preset Illumination/Lights/ 1bllc.
_(Veja Blends Modes e Opacitys no print abaixo).
22-Ativar a Raster 3.
_Effects /Illumination Effects / Preset Illumination/Lights/ 2bllc.
 _New Layer.
_ Select all / Edit Copy no coloridorb \  Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections / Select none.
23-Ativar a Group-Copy of Raster 3.  Layer \Arrange\ Move Up  .
_Duas vezes.
24- Ativar a Raster2.
__Effects /Illumination Effects / Preset Illumination/Lights/ 3bllc.
25-Ativar a layer superior\ Copy of Raster3.
_Effects /Illumination Effects / Preset Illumination/Lights/ 4bllc.
26- Edit Copy no tube_TubeNP 1123 \ Paste As New Layer . Resize a gosto.  Posicione.
27-Edit Copy no tube_Tubeclaudiaviza-mix51\ Paste As New Layer .  Apague a flor e use a gosto. Posicione.
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.
_Formate e decore seu top a gosto.
Espero que gostem.
Aparecida / Licacida, Maio de 2013.

Rio de Janeiro_Brasil