

Material Aqui


Seleção:  sel_retangulo-a_ lc.PspSelection \ sel_retangulo-b_ lc.PspSelection \ sel_retangulo-c_ lc.PspSelection \
( Salve em sua pasta de seleções My PSP Files )  .
Tubes : NAISEM_MULHERES \fleurs_nikita .
Deco: decolaterais_lc \SuizaBella_Ref_AG-001548
Mask : NarahsMasks_1645.
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX9.
Plugin Mehdi
Plugin Simple
Plugin Carolaine and Sensibility
VM Toolbox
Tutorial _Roteiro


 foreground  #adb0b7 \ background #65686f

1-Abrir uma nova imagem de 1000 x 700 .

2-Plugin Mehdi\ Wavy Lab 1.1.

 ( #65686f\ #adb0b7\ #898c93\ #898c93 )

_ Adjust\ Blur\ Gaussian Blur...R:26,00

3- Plugin Simple\ Pizza Slice Mirror.

_Layers Duplicate.

4-Effects\ Image Effects\ Seamless Tiling:

_Effects\ Edge Effects\ Enhance .
 5- Plugin Carolaine and Sensibility \ CS-Linear-H_Default ( 255 \25\ 0 ) .

6- VM Toolbox\ Seamless Tile...Default ( 16\16\16\255\0 ) .

7- Image \ Free Rotate.

8- Selections \Load \ Save Selection \Load Selection From Disk \ Load \sel_retangulo-a_lc.PspSelection.

_New Layer.

9-Preencher com  o gradiente  formado pelas cores configuradas acima.   Linear . Angle 90  e  Repeats 5. Invert marcado.

10-Plugin  MuRa's Meister \ Perspective Tiling. Default.
Selections \Select none.
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow 0\ 0\ 60\ 30,00 . Color=#000000.


*Plugin \ MuRa's Seamless \ Emboss at Alpha _ DEFAULT.
Objects\ Align\ Bottom. ( Traga o efeito ao final do back ).
11-Edit Copy no decolaterais_lc\ Paste As New Layer.
Layers\ Arrange\ Move Down.
Objects\ Align\ Top.
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow 0\ 0\ 60\ 30,00 . Color=#000000. 
12- Selections \Load \ Save Selection \Load Selection From Disk \ Load \sel_retangulo-b_lc.PspSelection.
_New Layer.
13-Preencher color #ffffff  (Usar no foreground ).
14-  Selections \Modify \Contract... 1pxl. DELETE.
15-Selections \Modify \Contract... 15pxls.
_New Layer.
16-Preencher com  o gradiente  formado pelas cores #ffffff ( usada no foreground ) e #65686f( está no background) .
Configurar Rectangular . Angle 0  e  Repeats 3. Invert desmarcado. CP
17- Plugin Mehdi\ Sorting Tiles...
18-Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Glass_use a gosto.
Selections \Select none.
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow 1\ 12\ 60\ 27,54 . Color=#000000.
_Layers\ Merge\ Merge Down.
19-Edit Copy no SuizaBella_Ref_AG-001548\ Paste As New Layer.
Blend Mode Luminance (L) \ Opacity 70%.
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More . Adjust \ One Step Photo Fix.
20-Effects\ Image Effects\ Offset.
0\ 24 ( custom e transparentes marcados). 
21-Selections \Load \ Save Selection \Load Selection From Disk \ Load \sel_circulo_lc.PspSelection.
_New Layer.
22- Preencher com o gradiente rectangular formado no ítem 16.
23- Plugin Mehdi\ Sorting Tiles...( print ítem 17)
24-Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Glass_use a gosto ( igual ao usado acima ) 
Selections \Select none.
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow 1\ 12\ 60\ 27,54 . Color=#000000.
_Layers Duplicate
25- Image Resise 70%  
26-Effects\ Image Effects\ Offset.
4\ -187 ( custom e transparentes marcados). 
Layers\ Merge\ Merge Down.
27- Selections \Load \ Save Selection \Load Selection From Disk \ Load \sel_retangulo-c_lc.PspSelection.
_New Layer.
28-  Preencher color #FFFFFF.
29-Selections \Modify \Contract... 10 pxls.
27-Flood Fill \Opacity 50%  preencher color background ( #65686f )
28-Adjust\ Add _Remove Noise\ Add Noise... 15% \ Gaussian\ Mono marcado.
29- Effects\ 3D Effects\ Chisel .
Color background.
_Layers\ Arrange\  Move  Down ( aplicar duas vezes ).
 Layers\ Blends\ Opacitys
use a gosto
 Ativar a raster3.
_New Layer.
30- Preencher color #FFFFFF.
Aplicar a NarahsMasks_1645.
 Effects\Edge Effects\ Enhance.
Layers\ Merge Group.
Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color =background.
Image \ Add Borders \ 10 pxls color =#ffffff.
Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color =background.
Image \ Add Borders \ 15 pxls color =#ffffff.
Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color =background.
Selections \ Select All.
Image \ Add Borders \ 30 pxl color =#ffffff
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow 0\ 0\ 60\ 30,00 . Color=#000000.
Selections \Select none.
31-Edit Copy no Tube NAISEM_MULHERES\ Paste As New Layer.
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
32-Edit Copy no Tube fleurs_nikita\ Paste As New Layer.
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
_Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color =background.
Resize _Width 1000 pxls.
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.
Aparecida \ licacida , julho de 2021.
Espero  que gostem.