"In Black"


Material Aqui


Seleção:  selinblack_lc.PspSelection.   
( Salve em sua pasta de seleções My PSP Files )  . 
Tube : 3499 - woman - LB TUBES \ 3244 - still life - LB TUBES
Mask: Narah_mask_Abstract233
Texto: in black
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX9.
VM Instant Art
Plugin Carolaine and Sensibility .
Plugin  MuRa's Meister

#000000 ( usar no foreground) _ #ffffff( usar no background ) .
Opcional a ordem de uso ( fore e back) .
1-Abrir uma nova imagem transparente de 1000 x 700 .Preenher color background #ffffff.
2-New Layer_ Preencher color foreground  #000000.
3-Aplicar a Narah_mask_Abstract233.

Effects\ Edge Effects\ Enhance.
Layer\Merge \Group. 
4-Plugin VM Instant Art \Tripolis...

_Image Mirror Vertical.
_Effects  \Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror . 0\180 _Reflect.
* As partes selecionadas que indico, delete ( use a ferramenta ...


*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
5-Selections \Load \ Save Selection \Load Selection From Disk \ Load \selinblack_lc.PspSelection.
*Raster1_  Promote Selection to Layer.
6 -Effects\ Texture Effects\ Weave.
Color #000000.

7-New Layer_ Preencher color #ffffff.( a seleção )
 8-Plugin Alien Skin\  Eye Candy 5 Impact \ Glass _Clear ( ou outro do seu gosto)
9-Ap 01 {Innovations} Lines -SilverLining... 

_Opacity 50%. 
 Effects \Edge Effects\ Enhance.
 10- Plugin Carolaine and Sensibility \ CS-Linear-H_Default (200\25\0)
 11-Plugin Alien Skin\  Eye Candy 5 Impact \ Glass _Clear ( ou outro do seu gosto)
_Layers\Merge\ Merge Down.  
Selections\ Select none. 
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
_Effects  \Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror . 0\180 _Reflect.
Layers Duplicate.
12-Effects\ Distortion Effects\ Wave

Layers Duplicate.
13-Plugin \ MuRa's Seamless \Shift at Arch
_Adjust \ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.
_Layers\Merge\ Merge Down.  Aplicar duas vezes.
14-Layer Superior.
_Layers  Duplicate.
_Plugin Simple Top Left Mirror .
15-Image \Free Rotate

16- Raster1.
_Selections \Select All  .
_Layer de topo\ Image\  Crop to Selection
17- Plugin  MuRa's Meister \ Perspective Tiling. Default _Height 18 ( demais valores iguais).

*Com a Ferramenta Magic Wand \  Feather 60 \ Clique na parte transparente . Deletar  ( quatrovezes _ para suavizar  o efeito. ). 

  Selections \ Select none.

( com a borracha size 30, tirar  as manchas do efeito)


*Plugin \ MuRa's Seamless \ Emboss at Alpha _ DEFAULT.
18-Edit Copy no decor_nmcriacoes_101\Paste As New Layer.
19- Image\ Free Rotate

POsicione como modelo.
Blend Mode Luminance (L)
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
20-Edit Copy no3499 - woman - LB TUBES\ Paste As New Layer.
_Adjust \ Sharpness\Sharpen _ Posicione.
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
21-Edit Copy no 3244 - still life - LB TUBES\Paste As New Layer
Resize 80%  Blend Mode Luminance (L) .
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
*Use uma fonte a gosto e anote "in black" ou use a que segue anexada.
Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color =#000000.
Image \ Add Borders \ 20 pxls color =#ffffff.
Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color =#000000.
Image \ Add Borders \ 30 pxls color =#ffffff
.Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color =#000000.
Selections \ Select All.
Image \ Add Borders \ 30 pxls color =#ffffff
Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow 0\ 0\ 80\ 40,00 . Color=#000000.
Selections \Select none.
.Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color =#000000.
Resize _Width 1000 pxls.
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.
Aparecida \ licacida , setembro de 2021.
Espero  que gostem.

