

Material Aqui


Seleções: seltriangulolc.PspSelection. \selcirculolc.PspSelection. \selquadradolc.PspSelection. 
( Salve em sua pasta de seleções My PSP Files )  .
 Preset katrina _mp \ do Eye Candy 5/Impact/Glass.
 (Dar duplo clic sobre o preset para importar-lo ao Plugin).
Tubes : Jeanne_Woman_14_09_2020 \ Jeanne_Deko_Grijze_Vase_06_10_2018.
Masks: maskcameron ( arquivo net ) \Narah_mask_0670.
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX9
Plugin \It@lian Editors Effect
Plugin \ Mehdi
Plugin  Eye Candy 5  Impact.
Plugin  MuRa's Meister. 
Tutorial _Roteiro
1-Abrir nova imagem transparente de 1000 x 700.
Preencher com  o gradiente  formado pelas cores #152735 ( usar no foreground ) e #617f8b( usar no background) .Configurar Sunburst .  Repeats 0. Invert marcado.CP=HeV, 50 \ FP=HeV, 50.
2-Selections \Load \ Save Selection \ Load Selection From Disk \ Load \ seltriangulolc.PspSelection.
_New layer.
_Preencher color #ffffff.
3-Selections \Modify \Contract... 3pxls.  Delete.
Selections\ Select none. 
_Layers Duplicate. Resize 80%
_Layers\ Merge Down.
4-Com a ferramenta Magic Wand _ Default, selecionar a borda formada.
Flood Fill \ opacity 30%\ color #ffffff.
_Preencher a seleção.
5-Ainda selecionado...
Promote Selection to Layer. 
Selections\ Select none. 
_Effects \ Image Effects \ Seamless Tiling...
6-Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow.
Color #ffffff
_Effects\ Edge Effects\ Enhance More.
_Layers Duplicate \ Image Mirror Horizontal.
_Layers\ Merge Down.
layers estão assim.
7-Ativar a raster 2.
 Layers Duplicate.
Resize 20%
 _Effects\ Image Effects\ Offset.
Com a ferramenta Magic Wand _ Default, selecionar o triângulo.
Flood Fill \ opacity 30%\ color #ffffff.
_Preencher a seleção.
8-Effects\ Texture Effects\ Weave.
Selections\ Select none. 
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
_Effects  \Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror .
_Layers\ Merge Down.
9- Voltar à layer Promoted Selection.
_Plugin Graphics Plus\ Vertical Mirror_Default.  ( 128\0 )
10-Effects  \Reflection Effects \ Kaleidoscope .
11-Selections \Load \ Save Selection \ Load Selection From Disk \ Load \ selcirculolc.PspSelection.
* Promote Selection to Layer   
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow.0\ 0\ 80\ 40,00 . (Color=#000000). 
12-Selections \Modify \Contract... 10pxls.
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow.0\ 0\ 80\ 40,00 . (Color=#000000).
13-Selections \Modify \Contract... 10pxls.
_Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\ Glass... Setting\   use Setting\ katrina.
Selections\ Select none. 
Layers Duplicate.
Resize 20%
 _Effects\ Image Effects\ Offset.
( mesmos valores acima )
_Effects  \Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror .
_Layers\ Merge Down
( aplicar três vezes).
14-New layer ( raster3 ).
Layers\ Arrange\ Move Down.
 Preencher com a color do background ( opacity 100%)
_Aplicar a mask maskcameron.
Layers\ Merge Group.
_Effects  \Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror .
15-Selections \Load \ Save Selection \ Load Selection From Disk \ Load \ selquadradolc.PspSelection.
Selections\ Select none. 
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
16-Effects\ Texture Effects\ Weave.
(valores iguais, veja print acima )
17- Raster2.
Seleção Personalizada ( tecle S )
* Promote Selection to Layer.
Selections\ Select none.   
18- Plugin \It@lian Editors Effect \ Effetto Fantasma_ 21- 21.
_Effects\ Edge Effects\ Enhance More.
_Effects\ Texture Effects\ Weave.
(valores iguais, veja print acima )

*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry ( opcional)

19-New layer ( raster3 ).

Flood Fill \ opacity 50%\ color #ffffff.
_Preencher a layer.
_Aplicar a Narah_mask_0570.
Layers\ Merge Group.
_Layers Duplicate \ Image Mirror Vertical.
20- Plugin \ Mehdi \Weaver.
_Effects\ Edge Effects\ Enhance.
_Layers\ Merge Down.
_Plugin \ MuRa's Seamless \ Emboss at Alpha _Default.
21-Ativar a raster1.
 Layers Duplicate.
_Plugin  MuRa's Meister \ Perspective Tiling . Height 18.
_Effects \ Image Effects \ Seamless Tiling... ( print acima)
Layers\ Arrange\ Move Up.
22-Volto à  raster1.
_Plugin \ L en K's _Zitah _Default.
*Raster2\ Layers Arrange Bring to Top.
use a gosto

_Image  Add Borders  2 pxls color = foreground \ Image  Add Borders  2 pxls color = background \ Image  Add Borders  2 pxls color = foreground. 

Selections \Select All.

_Image \ Add Borders \ 40 pxls color = #ffffff \  Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow.0\ 0\ 80\ 40,00 . (Color=#000000). Selections\ Select none. 

23-Edit Copy no Jeanne_Woman_14_09_2020 \ Paste As New Layer.
Posicione e use a gosto
24-Edit Copy no Jeanne_Deko_Grijze_Vase_06_10_2018 \ Paste As New Layer.
Use a gosto.
Assine e salve.
* Resize \ Width 1000 pxls
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Aparecida \ licacida , novembro de 2020.
Espero  que gostem.