"  Sedutora "




Material Aqui



Tubes : Femme jewel 0013\Paysage misted jewel 043\aves-arquivo.

Masks: !!!!.mask.ket-fadesuave\ 20-20.

Deco: deco1\ deco2.

Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX9.
Plugin  Artistic.
Plugin  MuRa'S Meister .
Plugin Flaming Pear.
Tutorial _Roteiro
1-Abrir uma nova imagem de 1000 x 700 .
Preencher com  o gradiente  formado pelas cores #5989a3 ( usar no foreground ) e #272727( usar no background) Configurar Linear . Angle 0 e  Repeats 1. Invert marcado.
2-Selections\ Selection All. Edit Copy Femme jewel 0013 \ Edit Paste Into Selection .
Selections\ Select none. 
_Effects \ Image Effects \ Seamless Tiling_Default. Transition ( % ) :100.
3-Adjust\ Blur\Radial Blur...
_Layers Duplicate. Resize 80%
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow 0\ 0\ 80\ 40,00 . Color=#000000.
4-Effects\ Distortion Effects\Lens Distortion.
5- Raster1.
_Layers Duplicate. Image Mirror Vertical. Blend Mode_Overley.
 Layers\ Merge\ Merge Down.
6- Image\ Canvas Size...
7- Aplicar a mask .ket-fadesuave.
Duplicate . Layers Merge Group.
_Layers Duplicate.
8-Plugin MuRa's Meister, Pole Transform...
9-Aplicar a mask .ket-fadesuave ( print ítem 7).
Duplicate . Layers Merge Group.
10-New Layers\Send to Bottom.
Preencher com  o gradiente  formado acima. Mudar:  Repeats 0.
11- Abrir a Paysage misted jewel 043 e aplicar a mask 20-20 ( anexada nos materiais )
._Selections\ Selection All. Edit Copy no Paysage misted jewel 043 ( com a mask aplicada) \
 Edit Paste Into Selection .Selections\ Select none. 
12-Effects\ Texture Effects\ Weave.
usar color backgrond
13-Plugin  Artistic \ Rough Pastels .
14-Ativar a layer superior ( group-raster1 ).
Effects\ Texture Effects\ Weave.
usar color backgrond.
15- Plugin  MuRa's Meister \ Perspective Tiling_Height20 ( demais valores iguais).
_Effects \ Image Effects \ Seamless Tiling_Side by side

*Com a Ferramenta Magic Wand \  Feather 60 \ Clique na parte transparente . Deletar  ( tres\quatro vezes _ para suavizar  o efeito. ).   Selections \ Select none.

16-Ativar a Layer Copy of Raster1.
Edit Copy no Paysage misted jewel 043\ Paste As New Layer.
Resize 80% + 80%  .
_Plugin \ MuRa'Seamless\ Emboss at Alpha_Default .
17-Edit Copy nas aves ( arquivo) \ Paste As New Layer.
 Layers\ Merge\ Merge Down.
18-Plugin Flaming Pear\ Flood.
Layers Merge Down.  Layers Arrange Move Down.
Resize 90%
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
19-Aplicar a mask .ket-fadesuave ( print ítem 7).
  Layers Merge Group.
_aplicar na layer superior (Pole Transform...
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry. 
20- Estou na layer superior:
 Seleção Personalizada ( tecle S).
Promote Selection to Layer. Selections \ Select none.
21-Effects\ Texture Effects\ Weave.
usar color backgrond.
22- Plugin VanDerLee \ UnPlugged-X v2.0 _  Vertical Tile.
23- Effects\ Geometric Effects\ Skew.
Layers Duplicate\ Image Mirror Vertical .
Blend Mode =Overley. Layers Merge Down.
Image\ Mirror Horizontal.
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
24- Effects\ Distortion Effects\ Pinch...S (%): 100.
Layers Duplicate
_ Usando a Ferramenta Pick vire o efeito como modelo.
Layers Duplicate.
25- Plugin Simple Half Wrap.
Objects\ Align Top.  Objects\ Align Left.
Layers Merge Down
26-Aplicar na layer do Pole Transform...
Plugin Nick Software\ Color EfexPro 3.0\ Bi-Color Filters.
Color Set\ Moss3_Default ( use a gosto ).
_Em outras layers ; opcional.
Layers\ Blends\ Opacitys.
27-Edit Copy no deco1 \Paste As New Layer.
Objects\ Align Top.
27-Edit Copy no deco2 \Paste As New Layer.
Objects\ Align Bottom.
28-Edit Copy no Femme jewel 0013 \Paste As New Layer.
Resize e posicionamento a gosto.
*Image add borderes 4 pxls\ ( color background ).

Edit Copy

*Image add borderes 40 pxls\ ( color foreground ).

Selecione \ Edit Paste Into Selection.

Adjust\ Blur\Radial Blur...( print ítem3_

_Plugin Graphics Plus\ Cross Shadow_Default.
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow 0\ 0\ 80\ 40,00 . Color=#000000.
Selections\ Select none.
* Resize \ Width 1000 pxls.
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.
Aparecida \ licacida , julho de 2020.
Espero  que gostem.