" Encantos de Natal"
"Christmas Charm "


Material Aqui



Gradiente ivy_winter1 . ( Salve em sua pasta de gradients My PSP Files )  .

Preset Illumination\Lights_merry (  Merry Christmas )  \ mp ( Guardar em sua pasta de  Presets My PSP Files).  
Tubes: JHanna_554 tube \_k@rine_ dreams _Misted_Christmas_2676_Decembre_2013.
Deco: LF-ChristmasDeco-28112014 \ decoperspectivelc\ Fairy_Dust_Silvie_07.01.2019\
 element 42 ( darei credito se souber autor)
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX8.
Plugin \ Carolaine and Sensibility.
Plugin FunHouse.
Plugin Toadies.
Plugin Tile&Mirror.
Tutorial _Roteiro
1-Abrir uma nova imagem transparente de 1024 x 700 pxls. Preencher com
 o gradiente ivy_winter1 . Configurar Sunburst.  Repeats 0. Invert desmarcado. CP=H 50 e V 100\ FP=H e V 100.
_Adjust \Blur \Gaussian Blur .R= 28,00.
2-Adjust\ Add Remove Noise \ Add Noise...
_Plugin FMTT\ Blend Emboss_ Default.
*Layers Duplicate
 ( tirar a visibilidade da raster1).
3-Aplicar a Narah_Mask_1450.
_Layers\ Merge Group.
_Plugin \ MuRa'Seamless\ Emboss at Alpha_Default.
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow 4\ 4\ 50\ 4,00 . Color=#000000.
Repetir valores na vertical e horizontal negativos ,(-4).
4- Effects\ Geometric Effects\ Perspective Vertical.
5-Plugin \ Carolaine and Sensibility \ CS-DLines_Default (40\5 ).
6- Selecionar o efeito central da mask, com a ferramenta Magic Wand _Default.
Layers\ New Layer.
Selections\ Select All. Edit Copy no mis_k@rine_ dreams _Misted_Christmas_2676_Decembre_2013 \ Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections\ Select none.
_Plugin \ MuRa'Seamless\ Emboss at Alpha_Default.
Blende Mode=Multiply. 
 Layers \ Merge \ Merge Down.
7-Layers\ New Layer.
 Flood Fill\ Opacity 50%\  preencher com o mesmo gradiente formado no ítem 1.
_Plugin FunHouse\Loom...
Selections\ Select All. Edit Copy no mis_k@rine_ dreams _Misted_Christmas_2676_Decembre_2013 ( o misted deverá estar na memoria )\ Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections\ Select none.
_Plugin \ MuRa'Seamless\ Emboss at Alpha_Default.
Blende Mode=Multiply. 
Layers \ Merge \ Merge Down. Layers\ Arrange\ Move Down.
** ( abrir a visibilidade da raster1) (  normalizar Flood Fill\ Opacity 100% )
8- Ativar a layer superior\ Group-Copy of Raster1.
Selecionar os efeitos laterais da mask, com a ferramenta Magic Wand _Default.
_Promote Selection to Layer.
Selections\ Select none.
9- Plugin Toadies\ Weave_ Default ( 59\ 48\ 222 ).
_Plugin \ MuRa'Seamless\ Emboss at Alpha_Default.
10-Image\ Canvas Size . 1024 x 800 pxls \ Bottom :100 .
11-Duplicar a layer da Mask \ Group-Copy of Raster1.
( ativar a regua) View Rulers.
_Com a ferramenta Pick Tool_Default, desça a 700 pxls \ Arrume até o final do top ( veja print ).
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow 4\ 4\ 50\ 4,00 . Color=#000000.
Repetir valores na vertical e horizontal ,negativos (-4).
( desativar a regua)
12-Ativar a raster1.
_Com a ferramenta Pick Tool_Default, desça o gradiente até o final do back.
_Plugin Tile&Mirror.
13- Effects\ Illumination Effects\ Preset Illumination\ Lights\ merry (  Merry Christmas ) .
*Layers Duplicate .
 Mudar o Blende Mode para =Screen.
14-Edit Copy no decoperspectivelc\Paste As New Layer .
*Objects\ Align\ Bottom.
layers, blends, opacitys.
15- Ativar a Raster2.
_Edit Copy no Fairy_Dust_Silvie_07.01.2019\ Paste As New Layer . Posicione.
_Adjust\ One Step Photo Fix.  Blende Mode=Luminance (L).
16-Edit Copy no LF-ChristmasDeco-28112014\ Paste As New Layer . Posicione.
_Layers\ Arrange\ Bring to Top. Blende Mode=Luminance (L).
_Adjust\ One Step Photo Fix.
17-Edit Copy no JHanna_554 tube\ Paste As New Layer . Posicione.
_Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\Perspective Shadow_Drop Shadow, Blurry.
18-Edit Copy no element 42\ Paste As New Layer . Posicione.
Blende Mode=Luminance (L).
* Repetir ítem 13- Effects\ Illumination Effects\ Preset Illumination\ Lights\ merry (  Merry Christmas ) .
_Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\Perspective Shadow_Drop Shadow, Blurry.
_Adjust\ One Step Photo Fix.
19-Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color =#ffffff.
**Plugin AAA Filters\ Custom_Landscape ( Default).
 ( Opcional)
20-Plugin AAA Frames / Foto Frame_Default . Width10.
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve jpg.
Aparecida \ licacida , dezembro  de 2019.
Espero  que gostem.