" Ilusion"



Material Aqui



Seleção: selilusion1lc.selilusion2lc.selilusion3lc.selilusion4lc.PspSelection. 
( Salve em sua pasta de seleções My PSP Files )  .
Preset katrina _mp \ do Eye Candy 5/Impact/Glass.
 (Dar duplo clic sobre o preset para importar-lo ao Plugin). 
Tubes :
castorke_tube_dames_180_112012\nicole-mist-paysage19-2013 (1)\nicole-mist-paysage20-2013 (1)
Deco: deco-mp.
Mask: creation.tine_masque318.
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX9.
Plugin Unlimited 2,0 \ Paper Textures.
Plugin Unlimited 2,0 \ Noise Filters.
Plugin FMTT
Plugin VM Extravaganza.
Plugin Adjust
Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5.
Tutorial _Roteiro
foreground  # e39595\ background #542a2b.
1- Abrir uma nova imagem transparente de 950 x 650 pxls.
Preencher com o gradiente formado pelas cores acima. Configurar Linear . Angle 0 e Repeats 1. Invert marcado.
2-Plugin Unlimited 2,0 \ Paper Textures.
3-Plugin Unlimited 2,0 \ Noise Filters.
4-Plugin FMTT\ Blend Emboss ... Default .
_Layers Duplicate .
5- Aplicar a creation.tine_masque318.
Layers\ Merge Group.
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
6- Raster1.
Effects\ 3D Effects\ Buttonize.
7- Volto a Layer da Mask.
Effects  \Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror .
0\180 _Reflect.
8-Selections \Load \ Save Selection \ Load Selection From Disk \ Load \selilusion1lc.PspSelection.
New layers.
9-Preencher com o gradiente formado acima. MUDAR : Angle 45 e Repeats 3.
 _Adjust\ Blur\ Gaussiam Blur...R=33,00.
Selections\ Select none.
 10-Plugin VM Extravaganza \Transmission...
11-Selections \Load \ Save Selection \ Load Selection From Disk \ Load \selilusion2lc.PspSelection.
New layers.
12-Preencher com o gradiente formado no ítem 9.
 _Adjust\ Blur\ Gaussiam Blur...R=33,00.
Selections\ Select none.
 13-Plugin VM Extravaganza\ Transmission...
 ( print ítem 10 )
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
( nas duas layers \ Raster2 e Raster3)
_Raster3 \ Layers\ Merge\ Merge Down. 
_Effects  \Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror .
0\180 _Reflect.
14-Selections \Load \ Save Selection \ Load Selection From Disk \ Load \selilusion3lc.PspSelection.
New layers.
15-Preencher com o gradiente formado no ítem 9.
 _Adjust\ Blur\ Gaussiam Blur...R=33,00.
16- Selections\ Modify \ Contract 15 pxls.
Promote Selection To Layer.
17- Effects  \Reflection Effects\ Pattern.
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\ Glass... use Setting\ katrina.
18-Effects\ 3Deffects\ Chisel.
Selections\ Select none.
_Layers\ Merge\ Merge Down. 
_Effects  \Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror .
0\180 _Reflect.
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
19-Selections \Load \ Save Selection \ Load Selection From Disk \ Load \selilusion4lc.PspSelection
New layers.
20-Preencher com o gradiente formado no ítem 9.
 _Adjust\ Blur\ Gaussiam Blur...R=33,00.
21-Edit Copy no nicole-mist-paysage20-2013 (1)  \ Paste As New Layer.
Posicione a parte que interessa\  Invert_Delete_Invert.
22-Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\ Glass... Setting\   use Setting\ katrina .
Selections\ Select none.
_Layers\ Merge\ Merge Down. 
Layers\ Arrange\ Move Down ( aplicar tres vezes )
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 :  Impact\ Perspective Shadow_Blurry.
23-Image\ Canvas Size...950 x 700. Bottom 50.
Layers Duplicate.
24-Plugin MuRa's Meister \Perspective Tiling.
25-Edit Copy no deco-mp  \ Paste As New Layer.
Layers\ Blends\ OpacitysL-
26-Plugin Adjust \Variations...
( marque na sequencia indicada)
27-Edit Copy no nicole-mist-paysage19-2013 (1) \ Paste As New Layer.
Layers\ Arrange\ Bring to Top.
( usei como deco, use a gosto)
27-Edit Copy no castorke_tube_dames_180_112012\ Paste As New Layer.
(posicione a gosto)
*Image add borders 1 pxl\ ( color #background ).
*Image add borders ( veja print )
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.
Aparecida \ licacida , agosto de 2020.
Espero  que gostem.