"Mamy Annick"

Com carinho!



Material Aqui



Selecões: Imagem alphachannel_annicklc - Seleção1 - Seleção2- Seleção3.
(Guardadas em Canal Alfa a Imagem )
Preset katrina _mp \ do Eye Candy 5/Impact/Glass.
 (Dar duplo clic sobre o preset para importar-lo ao Plugin).
Preset Illumination\Lights_alive \ mp ( Guardar em sua pasta de  Presets My PSP Files).  
Tube :femmeVSP137.
Deco: @ildiko_create_deco_free_006 \@ildiko_create_deco_free_008.
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX8.
Plugin Mehdi.
Filters Unlimited 2 - &<BKg Designer sf10I>.
Plugin Richard Rosenman.
Plugin VanDerLee.
Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5.
Tutorial _Roteiro
foreground  #6d5e4f \ background #ffffff.
1-Abrir alphachannel_annicklc, fazer uma cópia,  ( minimizar ) a  original.
Preencher com o gradiente formado pelas cores acima. Configurar Rectangular . Angle 0 e Repeats 0. Invert marcado. CP=H e V \ 50.  FP=H e V\50.
2-Plugin Mehdi\Sorting Tiles...
3-Plugin Mehdi\Sorting Tiles...
_Effects\ Edge Effects\ Enhance.
4-Filters Unlimited 2 _ &<BKg Designer sf10I>.
_Effects\ Edge Effects\ Enhance.
5-Selection\ Load Selection from Alpha Channel Selection #1.
Promote Selection to Layer
6-Plugin Richard Rosenman \ Scanlines.
( Color usada no foreground.)
_Selections\ Select none.
 Layer Duplicate
7- Effects\ Image Effects\ Offset.
_ Layer\ Merge\ Down.
8-Plugin VanDerLee \ UnPlugged-X _Defocus.
Defocus 2 .
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow.  (menos) -1\  10\ 60\ 25,00 . (Color=#000000).
Layer Duplicate
9- Effects\ Geometric Effects \Skew.
_Image Mirror Horizontal.
10-Effects\ Geometric Effects \Skew.
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow.  1\   (menos)-10\ 60\ 25,00 . (Color=#000000).
_ Layer\ Merge\ Down.  Blend Mode=Multiply.
*Opacity 83% ( use a gosto).
11- Nova Layer.
Preencher  color clara ( background ).
Nova Layer.
Preencher  color escura ( foreground ).
12-Aplicar a maskcameron .
_Layer\ Merge\ Group.
_Layer\ Merge\ Down.   Blend Mode=Multiply.
13-Selection\ Load Selection from Alpha Channel Selection #2.
Promote Selection to Layer
14-Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\ Glass... Setting\   use Setting\ katrina .
_Selections\ Select none.  Blend Mode=Luminance ( L ).
Layer Duplicate
15- Effects  \Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror 
16- Effects  \Reflection Effects\Feedback.
_ Layer\ Merge\ Down. 
17-Ativar a Raster2.
Selection\ Load Selection from Alpha Channel Selection #3.
Promote Selection to Layer
18-Preencher com uma color ( #e88d5b ) contrastante retirada do seu tube .
_Selections\ Select none.
_Effects \ Image Effects \ Seamless Tiling
19-Plugin Richard Rosenman \ Scanlines.
 (Valores usados no item 6).
20-Effects  \Reflection Effects\Feedback.
Layer Duplicate
_Image Mirror Vertical.
Layer\ Merge\ Down.  Layer\ Arrange\ Move Down.
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow.  (menos) -1\  10\ 60\ 25,00 . (Color=#000000).
21-Ativar a Raster2.
Plugin Carolaine and Sensibility\ CS-LDots.
22-Image\ Canvas Size.
_Preencher as laterais de #ffffff ( background ).
layers\ opacitys\ blends
Layer\ Merge\Visible. 
Layer Duplicate  \ Image\ Resize 60%
23-Effects\ Geometric Effects\ Spherize.
24-Effects\ Geometric Effects\Circle.
Image\ Resize 30%  
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.
*Effects\ Image Effects\ Offset...
**Plugin AAA Filters\ Custom_Landscape ( Default).
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow.  (menos) -1\  10\ 60\ 25,00 . (Color=#000000).
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow.  1\   (menos)-10\ 60\ 25,00 . (Color=#000000).
25-Edit Copy no deco@ildiko_create_deco_free_008 ( raster2 ) \ Paste As New Layer.
_posicione acima ao lado esquerdo do top, como modelo ou a gosto.
Layer Duplicate  \ Image Mirror Vertical.
Layer\ Merge\ Down.
26-Edit Copy no deco@ildiko_create_deco_free_006  \ Paste As New Layer.
_posicione como modelo ou a gosto.
Layer\ Merge\Visible. 
Layer Duplicate
27-Effects\ Illumination Effects\ Preset Illumination\ Lights\ alive.
28-Edit Copy no femmeVSP137 \ Paste As New Layer.
Image Mirror Horizontal. Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.
Resize e posicionamento.
29-Image \ Add Borders.
* Resize \ Width 1000 pxls. 
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.
Aparecida \ licacida , julho de 2019.
Espero  que gostem.