"Lady of Green"



Material Aqui


Tubes: vvs-woman1535 \Gabry-fiori 72-17
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX8.
Filters Unlimited 2 _&<BKg Designer sf10I>.
Plugin AbstractCurves\AbstractCurves.
Plugin Toadies
Tutorial _Roteiro
1-Abrir uma nova imagem de 1000 x 800 .Preencher com
 o gradiente formado pelas cores #987818 \ #414707. Configurar Linear . Angle 0\ Repeats 0. Invert desmarcado.
2-Select All. Edit Copy no tube vvs-woman1535  \ Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections\ Select none.
_Effects\ Image Effects\ Seamless Tiling: Default.
_Adjust\ Blur\ Motion Blur.
Aplicar duas vezes.
3-Filters Unlimited 2 _&<BKg Designer sf10I>.
_Adjust\ Add/ Remove Noise \ JPEG Artifactal Removal... ( Maximum\ C=79) .
Plugin FMTT\ Blend Emboss.
_Layer Duplicate\ Image Mirror Horizontal.
Blend Mode=Overley\ Opacity 50%.
Layer\ Merge\ Merge Dow.
4-Nova Layer.
Select All. Edit Copy no decoAlc  \ Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections\ Select none.
5- Repetir ítem3. Filters Unlimited 2 _&<BKg Designer sf10I>.
( veja print)
Blend Mode= Soft Ligth \ Opacity 65%.
6- Nova Layer
Plugin AbstractCurves\AbstractCurves.
*Lines&Stripes(19) _curtains .
7- Effects\ Texture Effects\ Weave.
_Effects\ Edge Effects\ Enhance .
8-Edit Copy no decoBlc \ Paste As New Layer.
Blend Mode= Screen.
* Layer\ Arrange\ Move Dow.
_Layer Duplicate .
9- Plugin Toadies\ Weaver_Default ( 59\48\222 ).
10-Repetir: Effects\ Texture Effects\ Weave.
( print ítem 7).
11- Ativar a Raster 3.
Effects\ Geometric Effects\ Skew.
12-Effects  \Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror .  H = 0  \  R= 180  \ Repeat.
_Layer Duplicate \ Image Mirror Vertical.
13- Effects\ Image Effects\  Offset.
Layer\ Merge\ Merge Dow.
14-Adjust\ Hue and Saturation\ Hue Map.
=Opacity abaixo.
*Effects\ Distortion Effects\ Pinch . S=100%.
15-Duplicar a Raster1.
Plugin Nick Software\ Color EfexPro 3.0\ Bi-Color User Defined.
Layers\ Blends\ Opacitys.
( use a gosto)
16-Usar acima da raster2.
Edit Copy no tube  Gabry-fiori 72-17\ Paste As New Layer.
_Effects\ Image Effects\  Offset.
**Plugin AAA Filters\ Custom_Landscape ( Default). )
17-Usar acima da layer superior.
Edit Copy no tube  vvs-woman1535\ Paste As New Layer. Posicione.
*Image add borderes 50 pxls\ ( color #ffffff ).
18-Plugin Richard Rosenman\ Solid Border.
*Image add borderes 10 pxls\ ( color #ffffff ).
Image\ Resize : Width 1000 pxls.
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.
Aparecida \ licacida , janeiro de 2019.
Espero  que gostem.