" Harmony"



Material Aqui

Preset harmony _mp \ do Eye Candy 5/Impact/Glass.
 (Dar duplo clic sobre o preset para importar-lo ao Plugin).
Preset harmony1_mp \ do Eye Candy 5/Impact/Perspective Shadow.
 (Dar duplo clic sobre o preset para importar-lo ao Plugin).
Tube: 5064-luzcristina
Masks:Narah_Mask_1136 \ Mask163-2 ( arquivo net sem autoria)
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX8.
Eye Candy 5/Impact
Plugin \ Carolaine and Sensibility
Tutorial _Roteiro
Foreground    #756d19 \ Background  #170729
1-Abrir uma nova imagem transparente de 1000 x 700 pxls. Preencher com
 o gradiente formado pelas cores  acima. Configurar Linear. Angle 45 \Repeats 6. Invert desmarcado.
2- Adjust\ Blur\ Radial Blur.
*Adjust\ Add/ Remove Noise \ JPEG Artifactal Removal... ( Maximum\ C=76) .
Plugin FMTT\ Blend Emboss_ Default.
3- Layers, New Layer.
Preencher com a color foreground #756d19.  Aplicar a Narah_Mask_1136.
Layers\Merge \Group.
*Plugin \ MuRa's Seamless \ Emboss at Alpha _Default.
4- Seleção Personalizada( tecleS).
Promote Selection to Layer .
5-Plugin \ Carolaine and Sensibility \ CS-Linear-H.
6-Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\ Glass... Setting\   use Setting\ harmony .
*Repetir o efeito.
7-Effects \ 3D Effects \ Chisel.
 (color background #170729 ).
Selections\ Select none.
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow. 0 \ 0\ 60\ 30,00 . (Color=#000000).
Layers Duplicate .
8-Effects\ Image Effects\ Offset.
Layers\ Merge\Merge Down.
 9-Ativar a layer da mask ( group - raster2 ) .
Repetir:  Seleção Personalizada (print ítem4) . Promote Selection to Layer . Layers\ Arrange\ Move Up.
Repetir: Plugin \ Carolaine and Sensibility \ CS-Linear-H ( print ítem 5).
Selections\ Select none.
10-Effects\ Image Effects\ Seamless Tiling:
Layers\ Arrange\ Move Down.
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\Perspective Shadow_Drop Shadow, Blurry.
As layers estão assim:
*Ativar a layer superior _Promoted Selection.
Layers\ Merge\Merge Down_aplicar duas vezes.
 As layers estão assim:
*Tirar a visibilidade da layer superior.
11- Ativar a Raster1.  Layers, New Layer.
Flood Fill _ Opacity 65% .  Preencher color #ffffff.
Aplicar a Mask 163-2. Invert mask data.
Layers\Merge \Merge Group.
*Plugin \ MuRa's Seamless \ Emboss at Alpha _Default.
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\Perspective Shadow_Drop Shadow, Blurry.
12-Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\ Perspective Shadow... Setting\   use Setting\ harmony1 .
*Repetir o efeito  três vezes. 
 _Voltar a visibilidade da layer superior .
_Normalizar (Flood Fill _ Opacity 100% ) .
13-Ativar a Raster1 . Layers Duplicate.
 Mudar o Blende Mode para Overley.
Layers\ Merge\Merge Down.
14- Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color = background  #170729.
Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color = foreground  #756d19.
Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color = background  #170729.
Edit Copy .
 Selections \ Select All.
Image \ Add Borders \ 20 pxls color = foreground  #756d19.
Invert \Edit Paste Into Selection.
Adjust \ Blur \ Gaussian Blur . R= 28,00.
*Plugin Graphics Plus\ Cross Shadown_Default.
Invert \ Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow. 0 \ 0\ 60\ 30,00 . (Color=#000000).
Selections\ Select none.
15- Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color = background  #170729.
Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color = foreground  #756d19.
Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color = background  #170729.
 Selections \ Select All.
Image \ Add Borders \ 30 pxls color = foreground  #756d19.
Invert \Edit Paste Into Selection.
Adjust\ Blur\ Radial Blur( print ítem 2 ).
*Plugin Graphics Plus\ Cross Shadown_Default.
Invert \ Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow. 0 \ 0\ 60\ 30,00 . (Color=#000000).
Selections\ Select none.
16- Copy no  tube 5064-luzcristina\ Paste As New Layer.
Image\Mirror Horizontal.  Posicione.  Adjust\ One Step Photo Fix .
Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More. 
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\Perspective Shadow_Drop Shadow, Blurry.
17-Raster1 ( opcional).
*Plugin Graphics Plus\ Cross Shadown_Default
*Plugin AAA Filters\ Custom_Sharp \ Default
Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color = background  #170729.
18- Copy no Dreamy_Flowers_by_Lileya_12\ Paste As New Layer.
*Plugin \ MuRa's Seamless \ Emboss at Alpha _Default.
*Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\Perspective Shadow_Drop Shadow, High. Use a gosto.
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.
Aparecida \ licacida , novembro de 2019.
Espero  que gostem.